Why is a raccoon with a pickle holding a copy of my latest book? Preorder it today or enter my giveaway for a chance to win a copy. I’m giving away two signed copies of FINDING NORMAL on Goodreads!
I didn’t read as many books as I had hoped in 2024, but some “bigger” books, plays, and poetry collections made my list this year. Here they are, in no particular order. Dog Songs: Poems, Mary Oliver Bright Dead Things, Ada Limon Enough Already,...
Jersey Girls unite! I’ll be joining several authors of summery books at two Barnes and Noble locations in July 2024. July 24, 2024 at 6 PM @ Barnes and Noble, East Brunswick, NJ with Christy Schilling, author of, Wish You Weren’t Here, and Talia Tucker,...
Looking forward to hanging out with these ladies at Montclair Book Center, one of the coolest indie book store’s on the planet. Think: New Jersey’s answer to The Strand and Powell’s. For details and to register for the event, click here!...