Valentine’s Day Giveaway at MacTeenBooks

Celebrate Valentine’s Day by entering for a chance to win FIVE romantic reads. FAMOUS LAST WORDS is being included in the MacTeenBooks Valentine’s Day Giveaway along with four more awesome reads!!! Love in the Time of Global Warming by Francesca Lia Block Bubble World...

Writer 2 Writer Wednesday with Author Patty Blount

Today on the blog I’m talking to author Patty Blount. A self-confessed chocoholic, Patty is the author of the young adult novels SEND (Sourcebooks Fire 2012) and the forthcoming TMI (Sourcebooks Fire 2013). Talk a little bit about your journey toward becoming an...

Writer 2 Writer Wednesday With Kerry Sparks and Miek Bruno

Today on the blog I’m featuring a Q&A with my awesome agent Kerry Sparks and Miek Bruno, her talented co-author and colleague at Levine Greenberg, Inc.  The duo came up with an ingenious take on the baby naming book, Hello, My Name Is Pabst, subtitled Baby Names...

The Next Big Thing Blog Hop

The next big thing! This wonderful meme is allowing authors to write about their latest project in this fabulous blog hop.  I’ve been tagged by my new writer friend Jody Casella, author of THIN SPACE, a YA novel I cannot wait to read. I’m counting the...

Writer 2 Writer Wednesday With YA Author Jody Casella

This week’s Writer 2 Writer interview is with Ohio-based author Jody Casella. Her debut novel THIN SPACE is a paranormal YA mystery about a boy coming to terms with his twin brother’s death. It sounds amazing! I can’t wait until it’s published on Sept. 10,...