Read a sample chapter of FAMOUS LAST WORDS
My second novel, FAMOUS LAST WORDS, will be released on July 2, 2013. Stop by Amazon to check out Chapter One, and put your pre-order in while you're there!...
Happy Book Birthday to me! HOW MY SUMMER WENT UP IN FLAMES
My debut young adult novel HOW MY SUMMER WENT UP IN FLAMES (Simon Pulse) officially launched on Tuesday, May 7, 2013. To celebrate, the next few days will include interviews, guest blog posts, and giveaways. Here’s a list. Tuesday 5/7 The awesome Bethany Crandell,...
These shoes were made for writing…
Note: This post originally appeared on MacTeenBooks.com There’s something to be said for doing something badly. Like writing with your left hand when you’re right-handed. Your script might not be pretty, but the exercise is good for your mind. Of course I have...
Standing in a Cow Pasture in Amarillo, Texas
Ever since she was three, we’ve been charting my daughter’s growth on the doorframe of her bedroom closet. Tiny marks etched into the wood; a date beside each. The big jumps from one pencil mark to the next always surprise us both. We don’t see physical growth while...
Writer2Writer with author Kit Grindstaff
Today on the blog I'm talking to Kit Grindstaff, author of the upcoming novel THE FLAME IN THE MIST (Delacorte Press) and fellow member of The Lucky 13s, an awesome group of children’s and young adult authors with novels debuting in 2013. The pub date for THE FLAME IN...
Writer2Writer Wednesday with author Claire Caterer
Today on the blog I'm talking with Claire Caterer, author of the middle grade novel THE KEY AND THE FLAME (Margaret K. McElderry Books / Simon & Schuster April 2, 2013) and fellow member of The Lucky 13s, an awesome group of children's and young adult authors with...
Writer2Writer Wednesday: Undercover Author Revealed
NOTE: This post first appeared on the MacTeenBooks website. Five years ago I finished a rough draft of what would become my first young adult novel. A story about a teen obit writer who learns about life and love during a summer spent writing about death. As I worked...
Writer2Writer Wednesday with author Jenny Lundquist
Today I’m talking to Jenny Lundquist, the author of the wonderful middle grade novels SEEING CINDERALLA (Aladdin M!X 2012) and PLASTIC POLLY (Aladdin M!X March 19, 2013), which will be released next week!!! Talk a little bit about your journey toward becoming an...
Undercover Author Revealed
I'm blogging over at MacTeenBooks today! Check it out. http://www.macteenbooks.com/?p=2706
Happy Book Birthday to author Sharon Biggs Waller
To celebrate today's release of A MAD, WICKED FOLLY by the amazing Sharon Biggs Waller I'm reposting my earlier interview with her. Congrats, Sharon! Today on the blog I’m chatting with Sharon Biggs Waller—writer extraordinaire, critique partner, and dear friend....