Jennifer Salvato Doktorski

John Hughes, I Will Never Forget You

When the finished copy of my young adult novel, FAMOUS LAST WORDS, arrived in the mail. I was thrilled to finally hold the first novel I’d ever written in my hands and I celebrated, not with confetti, champagne, or even a non-skinny caramel latte, but by watching...

Interview with Women Who Write

I belong to a fantastic group of New Jersey writers called Women Who Write. Recently I was interviewed for their website. You can check out the super fun interview here.  

Writer2Writer with Nancy Ohlin

Today on the blog I’m so happy to be talking to author Nancy Ohlin. She and I have a lot in common—a publisher, an amazing editor, and two books out this spring. Nancy’s young adult novels THORN ABBEY and BEAUTY, both with Simon Pulse, debuted on the same day! I’ve...

Nerd to nerd: an interview

Today on the blog I’m thrilled to be featuring THE SUMMER I BECAME A NERD by my new author friend Leah Rae Miller. Her amazing novel has all the elements I love in a great story—summer, music, comics, a smart female protagonist, and loveable nerd boys. Oh and when I...

Greetings from the real New Jersey shore

Summer always begins and end for me at the New Jersey shore. The real one. Come Memorial Day, that line from the song “Jersey Girl,” written by Tom Waits and released as a b-side by Bruce Springsteen in 1984 inevitably pops into my head. “`cause down the shore...

You Say It’s Your Book Birthday?

  Today is the day! My second young adult novel FAMOUS LAST WORDS is now in stores! A few weeks ago. The finished copies arrived in the mail in a big box. I was thrilled to finally hold the first novel I’d ever written in my hands and I celebrated, not with...

Graduations, Turtles and Breakin’ Boards

I’ve never been a front-and-center kind of a girl. Edges and corners have always been more my scene. In high school, I wasn’t a cheerleader or majorette. I seriously lacked the skills to be either, but even still, I preferred the anonymity of the color guard. With my...

Authors for Oklahoma Disaster Relief

The Lucky 13s have partnered with the Friday the Thirteeners and the Enchanted Inkpot to help those affected by the tornado in Oklahoma. Some amazing prize packs are being given away including signed copies of YA and MG books, swag, and critiques. Check out the...


Thank you TeenVogue for naming HOW MY SUMMER WENT UP IN FLAMES as one of "four must-read books to start your summer off right"!!!

Sam Meet Rosie, Rosie Meet Sam

NOTE:  This post first appeared on MacTeenBooks on May 6th. Since then, Jennifer Ann Mann, a fellow author and "Jen," hooked me up with a way better title! I’m less than twenty four hours away from the publication of my first young adult novel, HOW MY SUMMER WENT UP...